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What are our Values?

The following 7 values are the cornerstone of our success:

  • Commitment: We are more committed to success, because we have great control over our own destiny.


  • Courage: We work as a team, we feel supported and have more resources at our disposal. This gives us the courage to undertake greater challenges.


  • Respect: We put people first, without compromising standards, policies and quality of services. As professionals we continually show a high regard for ourselves, other people, reputation, the safety of others, and financial and other resources entrusted to us.


  • Responsibility: We demonstrate responsibility through accountability while pursuing quality of services and responding to client's expectations. We take full ownership for the decisions we make or fail to make, the actions we take or fail to take, and the consequences that result.


  • Excellence: We set and demonstrate standards of excellence for quality, qualification and competence. We think it's important to grow both personally and professionally and constantly challenge and develop ourselves.


  • Humor: We believe that happiness and fun bring with them an energy which fuels creativity and innovation, creates a more open and communicative workplace, and makes for a more productive, more dedicated team and make our days at work a bit brighter. We try to focus on the positive results and reduce negativism. We are grateful for our successes and celebrate them.


  • Grow: We do steps and acts so we can grow in a business we will be proud of. We grow because we take on new challenges, and we face even more new challenges because we're growing if we weren't doing something hard, then we'd have no business. Anyone who wants to compete with us usually have to learn the same things and has similar problems as we did.

Code of Ethics

We are committed to the following Code of Ethics, which is in line with the PMI Project Manager Code of Professional Conduct and is a guarantee of client satisfaction. The articles apply to all employees and associates of our company.


Code of Professional Conduct


I.    Responsibilities to the Profession

A.    Compliance with all organizational rules and policies

  1. We have responsibility to provide accurate and truthful representations concerning all information directly or indirectly related to all aspects of the PMP professional project manager conduct, including but not limited to the following: examination applications, test item banks, examinations, answer sheets, candidate information and PMI Continuing Certification Requirements Program reporting forms.

  2. Upon a reasonable and clear factual basis, responsibility to report possible violations of the PMP Code of Professional Conduct by individuals in the field of project management.

  3. Responsibility to cooperate with PMI concerning ethics violations and the collection of related information.

  4. Responsibility to disclose to clients, customers, owners or contractors, significant circumstances that could be construed as a conflict of interest or an appearance of impropriety.


B.    Candidate/Certificant Professional Practice

  1. Responsibility to provide accurate, truthful advertising and representations concerning qualifications, experience and performance of services.

  2. Responsibility to comply with laws, regulations and ethical standards governing professional practice in the state/province and/or country when providing project management services.


C.    Advancement of the Profession

  1. Responsibility to recognize and respect intellectual property developed or owned by others, and to otherwise act in an accurate, truthful and complete manner, including all activities related to professional work and research.

  2. Responsibility to support and disseminate the Code of Professional Conduct to associates and other certificant holders.


II.    Responsibilities to Customers and the Public

A.    Qualifications, experience and performance of professional services 

  1. Responsibility to provide accurate and truthful representations to the public in advertising, public statements and in the preparation of estimates concerning costs, services and expected results.

  2. Responsibility to maintain and satisfy the scope and objectives of professional services, unless otherwise directed by the customer.

  3. Responsibility to maintain and respect the confidentiality of sensitive information obtained in the course of professional activities or otherwise where a clear obligation exists

B.    Conflict of interest situations and other prohibited professional conduct

  1. Responsibility to ensure that a conflict of interest does not compromise legitimate interests of a client or customer, or influence/interfere with professional judgments.

  2. Responsibility to refrain from offering or accepting inappropriate payments, gifts or other forms of compensation for personal gain, unless in conformity with applicable laws or customs of the country where project management services are being provided.

Contact Us

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EPPM Services s.r.o.

nám. 14. října 1307/2,

Prague 5, Smíchov, PSČ 150 00

Czech Republic

Company ID: 241 49 004
Company VAT ID: CZ241 49 004
IBAN: CZ05 0300 0000 0002 4665 8291 data storage: xu845zj

© 2023 by EPPM Services s.r.o.


Tel.: +420-724-950-998

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